Language mistakes

There must be thousands of people in Egypt, and particularly in Cairo, who speak excellent English. Why, then, do I see so many language mistakes? Some are amusing but others can really impact a business in a negative way. For example, just the other day in Maadi, I saw a sign for a training company that said the company offers 'profissional' training. What kind of image is that for the company to display to the public?

I did try calling the company to let them know about the mistake as their main office is not in Maadi, but no one answered the number posted on their website.

This inspired me to offer a free editing/proof-reading service for anyone who has to write in English. I'm posting an ad under "Classes" if you need help.

Very kind of you to offer free editing services but I guess it's anywhere.

Here in Jordan people go to a  "saloon" for cutting their hair. I always wondering where they leave their horses and have a drink afterwards at the bar or play a card game.  :lol: