Winter weather

The weather is bad: cold, wet and snow is approaching.

What do you like to do or eat?

I'm in for cuddling in on the couch or in bed with a good book, a nice hot drink and make myself so comfortable as possible.

Or do you have to work and need to go outside?

Anyways I just make some very nice spiced tea and in a few  moments a lit some candles...
Maybe later on making some warm cup of sahlep.

Enjoy your day!

I'm wearing more clothes than I ever thought possible and sitting next to the heater. I accidentally started my farwa on fire being too close yesterday!  I really miss central heat but I know many have it much worse than me. Stay warm and safe everyone. Time for some Nescafé!

The Snows seems to be shy to come and due to uncertain weather nowadays,i need to cancel the plans :( i don't like the winter this year..Hhahahhaaa
but anyway,i still enjoying my Kastana (a better love story than Twilight)

Have a nice "Snow day" all

Well Kate, I don't mind if the snow doesn't come but it snowed a bit, just enough to get that winter feeling. Or you need to go to the south where it was mostly falling down.

My pipes are frozen this morning. I've had about enough of this winter feeling. When does spring come in Amman?!  😀😂😓😖

Lucky you, today it a small start. We need to struggle for about one month.
Hang on there.

You are lucky Primadona,get some lil bit snow...Southern road is Blocked,no way i can go there

In one month will begin the spring.... I advise everyone to visit the north of Jordan Valley