What are the most common questions you hear in Spain?

As an expat, the Spanish want to know why you've come to their country. I hear some interesting and fun questions all the time. I recently created an infographic that details the top 10 questions I'm used to hearing. What about you all? What questions do you hear every time you are in a new social/work/life situation?

Very interesting questions!  This little graphic reminds me so much of wonderful conversations that started from one or another of these very questions when I was in college in Madrid!

All these questions are generally used by the very friendly kind folks who are always available to chat, help, point out and help in every way in practically every city in the country.

Foreigners who make the effort to learn these, and other very basic phrases, are warmly received and offered assistance by all.

My advice is to take the time to learn at least a few of these phrases before venturing out to the country . . . locals will greatly appreciate it. 
