Auderghem Kindergarten


I was wondering if there are people here that live in Auderghem and can tell me which kindergartens can be found in this neighborhood and where can I find some info about them?


You need to define a kindergarten is, as it is used for all types of care for children under the age of 6.

Do you mean a creche / kribbe for under 3s or do you mean a maternelle / kleuterschool for over 2.5s?

And which language? French or Dutch?

For under 3 years. French language if possible.

You will find creches / kribben are inspected in French or Dutch, but can be in any language, though I only know of French and the odd Dutch one in Auderghem and around.

The ones inspected in French are found here.

The ones inspected in Dutch are found through the most awful search engine here.

You can also see them on the commune's website.

You can also use google and input "creche XXX" or "kribbe XXX".