Looking for magazine from Singapore

Hello all,

I'm in Canada, I'm hoping to buy a sample issue of the Singapore edition of Playboy magazine. (its actually called VIP)

I am trying to obtain a sample of each of the foriegn editions of Playboy (ONLY playboy, thanks. I'm not interested in any other titles)

I think this edition is no longer being published, so I cannot contact the publisher directly.

Can anyone help me find at least one issue?
What can I get for you in return? Canadian postage stamps or coins?
Or ???



Hi Dean,

Could you please post your advert under Classifieds and not in all the forums.

Thank you for your comprehension,

Hi Christine,

Sorry, my mistake.
I missed the Classified section. Still finding my way around here.



Hi Dean! U still looking for your mags?

Yes, still looking for an issue of VIP magazine!
I'll send you a PM as soon as I figure out this site.



Playboy magazine is banned in Singapore, so there is no local edition!

There used to be a Singaporean version called VIP
And prior to the Luxury Media edition from 2011, there was a version in 2009 published by Rabbithead.
VERY tame editions, more like a swimwear catalog.


Removed the w w w

Big THANKS to Burns_Kazuo for locating 3 issues of VIP for me!  :top: