Need geunine guidance ragarding residence please give inputs

hi dear all,i will be moving soon to kuwait my place of work will be at salmiya american university,please suggest the best place in every aspect  to live ,is it wise to stay in salmiya ??

Best  place -Salmiya

Few people say it's very crowded

If you are looking for flats Salmiya near university there are good flats with good facilities or if you are looking for a villa then you have the next nearest location Rumuthiya or Salawa

drvicky13 wrote:

Few people say it's very crowded

That's not such a big issue if your workplace is near like it would be in your case.

Tell me where isn't crowded... as long as there are huge blocks of flats with next to zero parking bays, you will always be submerged by  cellphone drivers.
It seems cars in Kuwait won't start unless the driver is operating its mobile.
Better be close to your work and stay away from traffic.