Learning Hungarian -HELP!

Hello Everyone,

I would need some help from those of you who are/have been studying Hungarian.

I am a postgraduate student on the MA in ICT and Education programme at the University of Leeds, and as part of my coursework I was asked to create a web-based learning environment. Being a beginner Hungarian learner myself, I decided to create a website for practicing Hungarian called MAGYAR NYELV ONLINE.

It would be great to have your feedback on the site, which you can give by completing my questionnaire (only 10 questions!) after having done some practice. The URL link to the questionnaire is http://www.surveymonkey.com/s.aspx?sm=c … 0EmA_3d_3d. Please note that the site was created with beginner learners in mind, and that ONLY the TRAVEL AND TRANSPORT theme is active.

The URL link to the site is: http://www.personal.leeds.ac.uk/~ed06lj
The password is: MNYO

Thank you very much for your help.



Dear Larry - I do like what you are trying to do with this site. It is a great idea. Just off the top of my head, from giving it a first try now, through the traffic and transport section. Once I went into exercises. I was hoping that at the end of exercises it would explain the differences again in case I got it wrong or right. Because I got the utca, ut, ter one right, but I was only guessing really. I liked that everything was bilingual on the front page, but then it wasn't like that in the exercises (I mean just for the check my answers button - it was the only button there so I clicked it, but I didnt know what it said). I am going to try it more, and give you feedback as I go on.

I love the idea & hope to see more one day!
Transportation is a bit far for me right now.
I would appreciate an easy starter section with things like "Hello" and such :)

How is the site coming along? Love to know how your project turned out. =)

Maybe he's not here no more?

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