Sponsoring Maid Visa

I am an expat living in KSA. My professions in Iqama permits me to sponsor a maid/house driver visa. I would like to bring a known house maid from India. Do you know the most recent process to sponsor the maid visa?

Go to the labor division of the Indian Embassy and they are the best ones to guide you.

Sure, but I believe Indian embassy will step in after I acquire a visa from KSA. Precisely, I am looking to know the process to acquire the visa in KSA.

You need to apply for the visa at istiqdam offices in your city.  Just like any other visa application, you need to prove your financial ability, profession etc for this and once the application is accepted they will issue the visa which you can send to India to get processed. I am not however, sure if an agent / recruitment office needs to play a part in this process like other countries which supplies maids.

hi there

do u mean u need to find some maide visa for u or for somebody u know ?

or u mean u have some maide but u need some visas in saudi

however  I can help u for that or I can advice u something for that .

just keep on touch for more details

I know someone but I just need a maid visa in saudi.
Can someone help me in finding the right people in Riyadh to carry over the process. I am Staying in Riyadh and working as software engineer