Rate of pay - Welding

What rate of pay will a welder bring? I did a min wage job last season and this year, off season I want to use my specialism but need a idea of what wage to argue for at interview. Any ideas?

Are you in Malta?

There are a few guys who go in 'The Pub' in Valletta who work/did work in the shipyard.

You will find it very difficult to compete with the locals in a "trade" in Malta.


Well as long as I get a decent rate and I get paid I'll do it. Last year I got €200 for four weeks at 40hr a week and  not doing that again, no way. So what did they get per hour? €6-7?

Well iv a job interview lined up for next week and two more companies interested. Let's hope I can find out soon else I'll get fleased

No idea what the rate will be but if I were you I would decide on a minimum you are willing to work for and use that as your start point.

Maltese bosses are not noted for their generosity.

Good luck,
