Working as a freelancer in Portugal


A lot of expats dream of becoming self-employed: we would like to help you to make that dream come true.

Can foreigners work as self-employed in Portugal? What are the formalities to work as a freelancer?

What are the pros and cons of this status: social security, tax system, etc.?

How is the freelance market in Portugal?

Thank you in advance for sharing your experience,


First of all, there is a difference between working as a self-employed person and as a freelancer, and it seems to me you are mixing these two terms. Those things are completely different. If you are freelancing over some freelancing site, you don't have to pay taxes to the IRS, but then again, you will also have problems opening a bank account, so how will you receive money? That's the first issue to deal with.
Now, if you are officially self-employed, you need to pass to the IRS the so called green receipts (quite a complicated procedure to be explained over one post). It costs a lot of money to open a private business in Portugal.