Working as a freelancer in Albania


A lot of expats dream of becoming self-employed: we would like to help you to make that dream come true.

Can foreigners work as self-employed in Albania? What are the formalities to work as a freelancer?

What are the pros and cons of this status: social security, tax system, etc.?

How is the freelance market in Albania?

Thank you in advance for sharing your experience,


Don't bother.

Hello kk323232,

This topic has been launched by the team to gather a maximum info about the subject to help members.

Any further  info please ?

Best of luck

Freelance business in Albania is booming. :) you do not need anything like license or any registration. It is not regulated like in Europe.
Albanians have very different system of freelance. We do not call it freelance. Call it as you wish but never freelancer. Here people doing this kind of jobs never pay taxes to the government so is mostly like a black market - same as in London where you employ illegal people for work with very low wages. 
but people are happy here to work in such jobs because it brings money to the table and people far from trouble.