Looking to hook up my son with South Africans living in China

My son is going to study at Dongbei university in Dalian.He will arive in China in September 2015

The Directory shows only one South African in China among EB members


He will enjoy the experience and will enjoy meeting new people.

No need to matchmake him with other S. Africans.

Let him swim in international waters.

Hi, If your son has any questions about China, he's welcome to contact me, I have been in Dalian for more than a year.
I have notice that there are more S.A. in Dalian than a year or so ago.
The ones I have met are all ESL teachers.
But I am sure he will be ok and make friends quickly in a Uni setting.
I have notice that most young Chinese poeple like to help foreigners.
But if he has any problems give me a shout!(note-I can't speak mandarin)