Visa Familiar for "convivientes"

I have meet a couple of foreigners living in Peru who say that they qualified for the "Familiar Residente" Visa without being married. They lived with and continue to live with their partners.

In Peru, this is referred to as "convivientes" and is quite common amongst Peruvians. I know several people whose parents never married.

Anyone have any details on this? What documents would be needed to proof that my girlfriend and I have been living together?

Well, I have spend a bit more time searching and familiarizing myself with this subject.

"Any day now" Migrations will approve a new TUPA, which outlines their administrative procedures. Supposedly, those new procedures will allow convivientes to regularize their migratory situation. … l-usuario/

must be go to the comisaria of the county Surco, La Molina, Pueblo Libre etc,  and ask to the comisario (police) and check for the official papers it certify that both are living together as Hecho after that link with the other immigration regular papers.

The best you can do is rent a apartment together. I mean in the contract, if you both are on it is obviously that you live together. :rolleyes:

Yes, registering as convivientes is the first step and quite easy to do. 

The issue is convincing migration to give me a Resident Visa based on conviviente status. We are still waiting for them to update their TUPA and include this.

As far as I know, right now (September 2015) migration will reject the Resident Visa application for convivientes.

"Any day now" appears to have been 4 months. Today they published a new DECRETO LEGISLATIVO DE MIGRACIONES which includes:

"Artículo 63.- Unidad Migratoria Familiar
Para efectos de la unidad migratoria, el núcleo familiar del nacional o extranjero que solicite la reunificación familiar, está conformado por las siguientes personas:a.     El cónyuge o la cónyuge o la persona integrante de la unión de hecho, de acuerdo a lo previsto en el artículo 2049 del Código Civil; ..."