Language Issues - Afrikaans Children

Hi there, we might be moving to Riyadh in the next year - problem is, our children are currently in an Afrikaans school - I'm worried that the change over to English will be a problem.  Ages 10 and 7 and twins are 3.  Are there any other South Africans who had to deal with the same issue? And what schools did you choose?  How did you deal with it?  Any advice is welcome and much appreciated.  Thank you

Welcome on board  :cheers:

You don't need to worry about the language gap for your children. Within a few months they master the language better then you ever able to. Of course, in the begin its a bit difficult but they can handle it.
Maybe you can arrange some English lessons for them now so it will be more ease for them?

funny enough, their dad is English, so they do speak and read the language, but I was just worried that because their whole education will now be in English, it might be a problem.  but once I know we're going for sure we'll start with more English than anything else