Cost of groceries, availability of ATM'S & internet in MEDINA & MAKKAH

i am off to Makkah next year? insha Allah
Looking for basic costs during HADJ TIMES
EG. food ( breakfast & supper) , water ,milk ,fruit.
internet cafe's costs. ATM'S In region costs to use etc.


First of all, welcome to the forum, bro.

I think it's the same, not much different, I'd say.


thanks, Ramon
The same in south africa or jeddah?

the reason me asking about costs is i will need to budget.
so i am looking at a daly cost to live out ther for plus/minus 7 weeks.

so what u doing in jeddah ? working or pleasure

I live in Riyadh, actually, but I know that food prices, and other things have as the same price as in Riyadh. Specially, food, I think it's cheaper than in everywhere else.


Well, if it's a small one, it might something like 700 SR, almost 200$. I hope I answered correctly.


yes u replied correctly thank you!!
so what does a bread cost?