Budget - help on taxes please?

Hi Guys!

   So I heard that in the budget they announced something about people growing / using organic foods will be exempt from certain taxes for 8 years? Is this right?

They also mentioned something about returning Mauritian citizens being exempt from certain taxes, I think bringing machines, cars etc over (typical that we not long brought our car over and paid a small fortune in tax on it huh??!)

Could anybody please help me if they know about these things in more detail? I missed the budget and 'm trying to find info on it online!


Georgia  :thanks:



Surprisingly , just a search on Google for " Mauritius Budget 2015" will get you results:

http://news.islandcrisis.net/2015/03/re … 15-online/

For your first question there are two cases for the 8 yr tax holiday:
For the 8 yrs corporate tax exemption , it is under the program SMEDA as per sections: 28-43
For bio- food farming tax exemption of 8 yrs , see section 78

For returning Mauritians and their tax exemptions; see sections 246 and 247