New medical clinic in Plancencia

Anyone hear about the new medical clinic that is suppose to be built in Placencia
Advanced Medical and Integrated Surgical clinic?

Someone said the land is donated by Sanctuary Belize???

I thought that SB was going to be building some sort of urgent care facility within the compound. Due to the fact that the once promised one wasn't coming. Obviously things could have changed since I heard that.

The Placencia Resort claims they are building it, and SB claim they are. Both Developments use marketing out of New Port Beach California. From what I have heard SB donated some land for the medical centre, permits were suppose to be approved a few months back, but if you talk to anyone from The Placencia they take credit for this....the sales team from Sanctuary Belize state that the their Eco director Frank Green is assisting with this, and that it is to be built on Southern Hwy, right at the entrance to Sanctuary Belize.