Moving to Sao Paulo - Apartment Advice PLEASE!

Hi!  I am currently in Sao Paulo and received several offers to teach English.  I have just a couple of weeks here before I have to go back to New York to close things there.  Would anyone have advice for sites, newpapers .. anything to help me find a room to rent?  My timing is mid-October.  I have a lovely small dog, too .. I find Sao Paulo to be very dog-friendly .. which is wonderful!  Thank you for any advice on this.  Abraço ..

Hello Risa17!

Welcome to Expat-blog!

Check out Sao Paulo classifieds. You can even post an advert there (Category- Accommodation).

Hope it helps!


I'd love info on how you got some of your English private jobs if you have them or need someone to take over please let me know.

Also check out and and if you are ok with a really small small room near USP let me know I have a friend there, not sure about the dog though in my friends place.