i would like to ask what should i do in this situation:

i submit my resignation yesterday and my boss reply like this:

(الأخ /

تحية طيبة :

نظرا لكثرة الإنذارات الموجهه للموظف و تخطي مديرة المباشر في خطاب الإستقالة أرجو إتخاذ إجراء أكثر صرامه حسب قوانين الشركة فيما ترونه مناسباُ و عدم إتمام مهام عمله المطلوبة مع العلم أن وجود الموظف مثل عدمه وذالك بحضورة لعدم تسجيل الغياب عليه و في نفس الوقت عدم أتمام المهام الموجهه له .

كما أفيدكم بعدم قبول إستقالته الا في حال اتمام مهام العمل الموجهه له بالشكل المطلوب وفي عدم الإتمام يسجل غياب حسب المهام في الأيام المطلوبه ، وذالك للتوضيح بعدم فائدة الحضور في حال لم يتم العمل و تنفيذ المهام و تواجده في المكتب ..

Brother /


Due to the frequent warnings oriented employees and skip the direct manager in the resignation letter I hope to take a tougher stance by the company laws as you see fit and not completing work tasks required with the knowledge that the presence of the employee, such as whether or not the spectrum presence of non-registration of absences him and at the same time non-completion of directed tasks him.

Also advise you not to accept his resignation, but in the event of completion of work assignments against him and in the form required incompleteness recorded by the absence of the required tasks in days, and the piece to illustrate the usefulness of non-attendance in case it is not working and completing tasks and its presence in the office ..)

i'm working in this company for 3 years and i'm planning to return in our country to be with my family but unfortunately this what i receive when i submit my resignation..

Hmm...I guess....your question and that letter is just a very small fraction of the story?

And I will assume that this letter is not directed to you, but probably from your manager to your HR department guys.

I don't think, that in anyway, they can deny you in granting you your relieve  or acceptance of your resignation - but, it is also the right of your employer to make sure that everything is settled before you go - which, in this case, he is referring to some 'unfinished' business/work of yours...they could only delay you for sometime - to fix anything at work...but not necessarily forever! better pull those sleeves up...and start cleaning your table of any mess... (i meant - complete any pending jobs...or do some necessary hand over to your replacement).

Popolocroix wrote:

Hmm...I guess....your question and that letter is just a very small fraction of the story?

And I will assume that this letter is not directed to you, but probably from your manager to your HR department guys.

I don't think, that in anyway, they can deny you in granting you your relieve  or acceptance of your resignation - but, it is also the right of your employer to make sure that everything is settled before you go - which, in this case, he is referring to some 'unfinished' business/work of yours...they could only delay you for sometime - to fix anything at work...but not necessarily forever! better pull those sleeves up...and start cleaning your table of any mess... (i meant - complete any pending jobs...or do some necessary hand over to your replacement).

thanks for the reply.

Actually i already finish all the work that is assign to me and regarding the pending works he's telling on his email to our HR Department, i don't have any idea.