Looking for locker / small storage / deposit box options near Manila


I am looking for a locker / small storage / deposit box options in or near Manila.

I need to fit one big backpack, so 1sqm or bigger box is fine. I need pleasant monthly rate, I need to store it while I travel to islands and find my new home possibly.

Do you know any options beside these storage facilities I found:
- safehouse.com.ph/product/locker-type-unit/
- securestorage.ph/types-of-storage/personal-storage/locker/
- members.olx.ph/easystoragemanila

I'd be glad for any alternatives.



I'll be looking for better alternatives until Mar 3rd, I guess

mizisk wrote:


I am looking for a locker / small storage / deposit box options in or near Manila.

I need to fit one big backpack, so 1sqm or bigger box is fine. I need pleasant monthly rate, I need to store it while I travel to islands and find my new home possibly.

Do you know any options beside these storage facilities I found:
- safehouse.com.ph/product/locker-type-unit/
- securestorage.ph/types-of-storage/personal-storage/locker/
- members.olx.ph/easystoragemanila

I'd be glad for any alternatives.




are you still looking for storage?

If you know, you can share with the forum.

But me personally - I donated most of the stuff here in Philippines and sent some stuff home and traveling ultra light since then - I don't need storage anymore.
