English Teacher

Hi I am RONALD from India. Could you please guide me how to secure an English Teacher job in Indonesia. I am an M.A.English and THE AMERICAN TESOL certified English Teacher with 13 years of experience.

Simply be from one of the 5 recognised countries where English is the first language spoken hence the need for native teachers, search on google for teaching jobs in Indonesia and see what's available, try your luck with schools and push your CV out to those schools.

But the market is slowing and the rules tightening so ensure you have options.

He's Indian, so no hope of legal work as a native speaker.

Hang on....this rings a bell.
https://www.expat.com/forum/viewtopic.p … 33#2310639

Dude, asking the same question twice won't change reality.

"He's Indian, so no hope of legal work as a native speaker."

True enough, but he does hold a Master's degree in English, has 13 years prior experience, presumably teaching English, and TESOL credentials, so I think manpower could have no problem issuing him a work certificate for a private international school so long as they (the international school) felt he was more than significantly qualified.

A wisely run private international school would have him teach both English and Hindi.   

For certain, as Luke suggests, it is worth his while to pursue this.

Fred, wasn't India once a part of the "Great Britannia?"    :)

I suggested an Indian school on the other thread.

With this guy's background, I expect his English is A+ so why limit himself to an Indian school?

Besides, Indonesia and India are currently embraced in a great "love affair" courtesy of the series Mahabharata and all the local Indonesian TV spin off shows resulting from that.  It's endless, and with no offense to Ronald, I am rather tired of it all!   

Seriously, from what I've been hearing, the time has never been better than right now for someone from India to be applying for an IMTA and VISA.

PS...Ronald...if you get an interview here, dress as either Siva or Wishnu.   :o   The job will be yours!   :lol:

thank u very much

IF he can get the paperwork, he still needs to find a school will to part with the extra cash they'll have to pony up over and above the cost of a local teacher.
I'm having a 'down' day today as I'm quite tired, so see no reason anyone else should enjoy themselves. :D