Chercher un échange linuistique

Je suis artiste, j'habite à Neuchâtel en Suisse. je suis intéressé par un échange linguistique: mon français, kurde ou arabe contre votre anglais. J'ai étudié l'anglais à l'école mais, malheureusement, je l'ai peu pratiqué concrètement, sauf, de temps en temps, je m'exprime en anglais au niveau professionnel comme musicien. j'aimerais bien améliorer mon anglais oral avec vous. Tenez-moi au courant, s'il vous plaît, si vous être intéressé. Merci.


Bonjour Mico, nice to meeting you!
je m,appelle Odette et je vis au Québec, à côté de Montréal, je suis artiste aussi et parle anglais, Comme vous savez,  les frontières américaines sont très près...alors!
if you want to practice your english with me, no problem! It will be a plaisure for me. I can help you!
Oh! by the way, I was a DJ in the 80'S,,,so I love music also...
Do you have SKYPE? If you have it, we can see each other and youi can practice talking instead writing!!!!

Au plaisirs,

Hello Odette,

Thanks for your friendly message, I'll be pleased to speak to you in ENGLISH. I will call you very soon.

A bientôt

I am very happy that you answered me! I AM IN HOLLIDAY SINCE YESTERDAY!!! YEAHHH ! I will look to get a plane for the Caribbean Iland...maybe Cuba,I don't know yet, I am alone for Christmas and single for almost 4 now I just finished 3 years study and got my diploma , my kids are adult and live on their own. So for me it's a new start in life. I am telling you all this because that way you will know me  better am and at the same time practicing your english!,,
I THINK I will  rebuilt a new business...Somewhere in the world...the planet is enough big , so I will have to travel and find a place to import all kind of hand made gifts from Quebec...I want to talk with you soon and don't asking yourself to much question about what I is all true and I want you to practicing  that nice  english language !

Talk to you soon...Odette

Hello Odette,

Thanks for the infos.
You could come in Switzerland if you wish and change your plan for "The Hot Countries". me too, I don't have any plans for Christmas or new year. so I could show you my nice country and you could ask for your business in Geneva.
if you decide to come here, please let me know.
We don't need to prepare the good surprises. the W is W.

Merci et à bientôt

Hello Odette,

Actually and honestly, I'm not single and I don't want to begin a new life, only I'd like to improve my English with a native English language speaker. And I noticed that you are not an Egnlish native speaker?
As I told you, welcome in Switzerland when you come, and I will do my best to help you if you ask for of course.


Excuse me, I mean welcome to Switzerland.

Hi !Mico !

It is interesting....Humm ! I don't like to go in Geneva,...beleve it or not...I was suppose to  go in Geneva for my stage...and my friend was working in an other country during summer time, so each week after he came,,,he wasn't able to make I let that opportunity  go away. I STILL TALKING WIth my friend but he is really busy. I DON'T KNOW YOU ENOUGH about you to go...inside it saying yes...but my mind say no...I am confuse.  You know what...I want to go maybe after my stage if the opportunity stay in the air! AND I WILL HAVE A CHACE TO KNOW YOU MORE... YOU ARE SINGLE.? HOW OLD ARE YOU?  Do you have children? Þalk to ne more about you...what do you want in life...why are you in Switzerland?.?ect..
Talk to you soon..?

I am sorry to désappointING  you...I am not here to find asking me, you said you we re alone ...actualy, I am at a friends house and not on my computer, on a small 10 inches tablet. IT IS ALL PROGRAMM ING IN FRENCH. if I don't look carefully. is writing wrong way, and now you are acting weird with me...why? I DONT WANT TO DISTURBING YOU...I DID it with my heart.. and you are thinking bad or what? TELLING ME MY ENGLISH IS NOT APPROPRIATE...WOW, you are not  saying and thinking the good way about me. I  was doing it with pleasure. It was free  FREE TIME AND WANT TO EXCHANGE TALKING...NOT MORE...SO  I am sorry if you translated  what I said a wrong way. . I always erasing everything on that blog...because nothing was interesting...I came here for a reason last year...and now it's like this  I shouldn't stay anymore. YOU ARE REALLY NOT NICE WITH ME AT ALL.

j,aI lu votre message après avoir envoyé celui de hier n, y a pas  de ponctuaton .,je suis sur ma tablette à l,extérieur de chez moi depuis vendredi soir, j, espère que vous n,avez pas interprété  en mal ce que je vous ai dit, je n,ai jamais repondu à personne sur ces genre de truc là.  MAINTENANT VOUS ME METTEZ MAL À L, AIE ETJEN,AI RIEN FAIT OÙ DIT QUI PEUte porter à confusion. QUAND JE ME SUIS INSCRITE ICI..IL Y A P,USERS MOIS,,,JE DE VAIS A,LE CHEZ MON AMI, je ne suis pas ici pour en discuter avec vous, j, ai juste voulu échanger avec vous sans arrière pensé. J, allais tout effacer quand j,ai vu votre message. Je n,ai pas voulu vous je ne vous ai rien demandé. suis vous voulez parlez à quelqu, un qui ne parle pas français et seulement anglais..placer une annonce de un truc ame ricain ou dans votre cas, anglais d, Angleterre. Je n'ai pas voulu vous offenser,,


Be a traveler...not a tourist, try new things, meet people, and look beyong what's right in front of you. Those are the keys to understanding this  amazing world welive in... you never know who is on the road traveling next to you...i am not a ''native english person'', but i had enough heart to respond to you without any bad minding.

Merry Chritmas

Bonjour à tous,

Je vous prie de bien vouloir continuer la discussion en français, vue que c'est un forum francophone.



monsieur David
Quelqu'un avait demandé un échange linguistique et en anglais, je suis d'accord avec vous, moi j'ai repondu a ce monsieur, qui semble t'il  ne savait pas et moi non plus que tout le monde lisais ses réponses!!!
