Support for mild additional needs kids

My eldest daughter (she will be 11 in December) seems to have mild inattentive attention deficit disorder (not formally diagnosed yet as we are on a waiting list to be assessed for the last 18 months); in practice it means she "zones out" quite often and her taking notes is slow. She attends a normal state school here in Ireland albeit very small 2 classrooms country school (23 pupils in the whole school) so has plenty of support from her teacher. She is doing well (consistently achieving 97-99% in her final year exams where she is allowed extra time to complete the tasks). So I am wondering how will she cope in a normal school with more pupils in the classroom, do they have any provisions for these children in state schools inn Malta? Does anybody have any experience with this?
Thank you.

I am sure that you will have to do a deeper research and I suggest to contact the college of the school you would like to enrol your daughter to see what they can offer (even better the Ministry of Education), but what I see in my children's school is that there are plenty of children with different type of challenges and at least from an outsider's point of view it seems that the teachers and school administration are well prepared to assist them. They have extra classes, their own LSA if needed, etc. Classes are quite small around 15 children and the learning space seems quite slow especially for me who is used to a much more academically demanding school environment.