Advice needed

Good day!

The story goes like this. I decided, I wish to learn french and the same time earn some money. So I figured the fastest way for me to do that is to buy a plane ticket, arrive in France carrying a backpack and travel around rural areas looking for work face to face. I am fit, have an experience in agricultural work, and somehow I think finding a farm work might be easier than finding work in a big city.

The greatest obstacle (only?) is french language, I don't have it, and english isn't popular in France, especially among farmers.

Have you got a similar experience, tips, advice you can share?

KrisV ,I want to know how to speak a real French , its very difficult to catch people's accent, there is no one speak English with us over there?
I am planning to come over there,for my studies and settlement in Paris or  Lyon, but first I want to know, how people are over there, are they Friendly or strange type ,or rude one ? As my families are worried about it so much .