Unwanted Cats in your Garden

Please please dont use poisons there are easier ways and harmless methods to do so

You love your garden—and, unfortunately, it seems like all the neighborhood cats love it, too. If you notice cats using your garden as a litter box or gnawing on some of the plants, you are probably all too eager to figure out how to keep those frisky felines out of flowerbeds and plant beds. Here are a few ideas you can use the next time you need to save your garden from the local cat population.
Create a Physical Barrier
1 Create an obstacle course out of plastic forks or wooden chopsticks.[Space forks or chopsticks evenly apart in between the plants in your garden. Make sure that the utensils are pointed-side-up.
While cats often have no problem maneuvering in between large obstacles, a field of small obstacles may seem significantly more unappealing, especially if those objects have small points that prick when touched. The points on a fork or chopstick are not sharp enough to cause any real damage, but they can be enough of a deterrent to discourage your feline friends from lounging about.
The forks or chopsticks should be no further than 8 inches (20.32 cm) apart from one another in order to be effective.
You could also use 10-in (25.4-cm) plant spikes instead of chopsticks or forks.

2 Embed chicken wire in the soil. Lay the chicken wire down before your plants poke through the soil. Plants can usually grow in between the gaps, but cats will find the texture of the wiring unpleasant to walk on. If the plants need additional room to grow, you can use wire cutters to cut larger holes directly above the plants needing more room.

3 Lay lattice fencing over the ground. Lay the lattice fencing over your soil before you even plant your seeds. The gaps in the fencing will make the area unappealing to wandering cats.
Press the lattice fencing into the ground gently so that it is partially covered by the soil.
Transplant seedlings and plant seeds into the soil exposed by the gaps of the fencing. As the plants grow, they should grow around the fencing without much difficulty.

4 Scatter pine cones, twigs, or river rocks. Spread out rough materials in between your plants to alter the texture of the ground from plush and cozy to prickly and uncomfortable.
The surface will be uncomfortable to walk on but also difficult to dig into. If a cat cannot dig into the soil, that cat is not likely to attempt to use it as a litter box.

5 Cover exposed ground with "scat mats." Scat mats are plastic mats covered in flexible plastic spikes.
Generally, these mats are cut into four pieces, making it easy to fit the mat to size according to the size and needs of your garden.
Depending on the brand, you will usually find the mats in packages of two to five mats.
Do not merely lay the mats on the surface of the soil. You need to press the mats into the soil so that the mat itself is covered, leaving only the spikes exposed. Otherwise, a clever cat can paw the mat up.

6 Plant potent-smelling plants. Interplant your garden with plants that cats hate the smell of. A few of these plants can be planted in between the other plants of your garden, making the entire area seem disgusting to the local feline population.
Rue is an especially effective cat repellent and the first choice of many gardeners. Coleus canina, often called the "scaredy cat plant," is another preferred choice.
Other options include lavender, pennyroyal, geranium, and lemon thyme.

7 Use dried herbs or scented oils. If you do not want to plant herbs or other plants that cats cannot stand, you could scatter the dried version or dab on an oiled version to the same effect.
If using a dried herb, lightly dust the area with the powder or dried leaves, covering the ground evenly yet sparsely. If using an oil, rub the oil around the perimeter of any containers or spray it directly onto the soil.
Dried rue can be found without much difficulty.
Cayenne pepper, dry mustard, cinnamon, and garlic powder are often used, as well.
As for oils, consider using lavender oil, lemon grass oil, citronella oil, peppermint oil, eucalyptus oil, or mustard oil.

8 Scatter citrus peels around the garden. Most cats hate the smell of citrus. An easy and quick fix is to scatter fresh or dried citrus peel around the soil of your garden. The cats will not suffer any harm, but the smell will cause them to seek something more appealing.
Alternatively, you could also spray the soil and the perimeter with citrus-scented spray to accomplish the same result. Avoid getting citrus sprays directly on your plants, however, since other ingredients in the spray could potentially damage the leaves, flowers, or fruits of the plants.

9 Try coffee grounds or pipe tobacco. Much like citrus, the smells of coffee and tobacco are often disgusting to most cats.
Scatter the coffee grounds or tobacco directly onto the soil, spreading it in a thin yet even layer.

10 Spray a commercial repellent containing predator urine.[5] If you decide to purchase a commercial repellent, a natural repellent with predator urine in it is probably your best bet. These are usually very effective and will not cause any harm to you or the cats.
These repellents usually contain the urine of foxes or coyotes. In addition to warding off cats, this scent can also work against rabbits, squirrels, chipmunks, raccoons, and other common garden or yard pests.

11 Spread batches of your own hair around the garden. In theory, many feral cats do not favor the scent of human hair. As a result, you may be able to keep neighborhood cats away by laying batches of your hair around.
Pull the hair from your hair brushes, combs, and hair dryers. Lay the strands in bunches around the perimeter of your garden to ward away feral cats
Note that this may not be especially effective against house cats that are already used to the scent of humans. This is especially true of your own cats, which our undoubtedly used to your own scent by now.

12 Wash any cat scents away. If a cat has already marked its territory in your garden, you might need to wash its scent away before it will consider going anywhere else.
Use water from a hose or rain barrel to rinse down any spot at which you find cat feces or urine. Cats usually choose the same spot or general location to mark. Removing their "claim" on this spot can discourage a cat from using it again.

13 Spray the cats with a hose. Many cats hate water, so a quick splash with your hose may do the trick and scare away a first-time feline visitor to your yard.
A quick spray with the hose is all you need to do. The idea is to startle the cat, not drench it. On a similar note, you should use a gently stream from the hose, not a strong blast.
While this is often effective, this technique will not always work. Some cats will disregard the spray of water, and others may even enjoy it, especially during hot weather.

14 Set up a motion-activated sprinkler. These sprinklers can detect an unwelcome visitor, like a cat, and respond by shooting a quick spray of water at the invader to startle it away.
Each sprinkler creates an infrared field when set up. Once a cat enters this field, the sprinkler propels a stream of water in the direction the cat came from.
The spray of water only lasts for a couple of seconds. The intention is to startle the cat, rather than soak it.
Note that these sprinklers do not work in the winter, when water freezes, nor will they be effective if the cat does not enter into the infrared field.

15 Purchase an ultrasonic device. Ultrasonic devices are usually motion-activated, as well, but these devises work by sending out an ultrasonic sound that cats can detect but the human ear cannot.
Once the system is set up, the ultrasonic device uses a motion sensor to scan for signs of movement. When the sensor is triggered, the device produces a high-frequency alarm. This alarm is both irritating and startling to cats.
These devices can monitor up to 280 square feet (85.34 m).

16 Use a motion-activated air blaster. Like a motion-activated sprinkler, a motion-activated air blaster detects cats that have wandered in front of the sensor. Instead of water, though, these devices shoot a quick blast of air.
These devices are quite similar to motion-activated sprinklers. When set up, a device projects a motion-sensing field. If a cat or other animal steps into this field, the device will shoot out a quick spurt of air. This gust of air will not hurt the cat or any other animal that steps into its path, but it can startle the cat. 17 Make a Peace Offering
Set up a small sandbox in the far corner of your yard. Fill a small container or square of your yard with fine-grain sand or cat litter.
Fill a shallow wood or plastic container with standard sandbox sand, cat litter, or soft soil. This creates an ideal litter box setting for the neighboring cats, and the area will be much more appealing than your garden.
If you want to go the extra mile, you could even purchase an actual litter box from a pet store.
If necessary, you could take a few pieces of cat poop scooped up from your garden and place it in the new sandbox. Once the cat's scent is in the sand, the cat will naturally be drawn to the area.
Clean the box periodically and change the sand completely every month or so. Cats are clean animals and will turn a new area into their litter box if the area they currently use becomes too dirty or filled.

18 Plant catnip and other appealing scents away from your garden. Some scents actually attract cats. By planting these smells in a separate area of your yard or garden, you can attract cats to that area instead of the area you do not want them to spend time in.
If you decided to set up a sandbox for the cats in another section of your yard, place this cat garden nearby. If you do not go with the sandbox idea, then simply plant the plants in an area as far away from your other plants as possible.
Catnip is the obvious plant of choice, but cats generally favor the scents of mint and honeysuckle, as well.

19 Move your bird feeder. If you have a bird feeder near your garden, move it to another area of your yard that is further away.
Ideally, you should hang the bird feeder in an area that is too high for a cat to jump to. Otherwise, the bird who visit for a meal might be in more danger than your garden ever was.
If you have a cat garden and/or sandbox set up in your yard, move the bird feeder to a nearby area. If not, place the bird feeder as far away from your garden as possible.
If you want to bird watch, simply move the feeder as far as possible while still remaining in view.

source - http://www.wikihow.com/Keep-Cats-Out-of-a-Garden