It sucks

Not sure why my fellow Americans move here. US still pays the best salary. Can't wait to leave this place.. umm it sucks?

Nope it doesn't suck !

Gulf , totally is a whole different experience !

Am sure many are willing to give up their US passports for Free Tax Salary here ;)

well ofcourse each place has its advantages and disadvantages, but lets make this productive; what dont you like about this place and how long have u been here for?

It's definitely daunting at first... but then you learn your way around, make some friends and it's fine!

What is it that you miss most about the US?

It took me 'at least' a year to really acclimate to the "ways" things are done... although I am a little confused as to 'why' you would have agreed to come to Kuwait in the first place if the offer was for 'less' than what you would have been making in the states.  But then again, your generalization (statement) is pretty broad to began with... maybe you should 'vent' a little more (lol) to convey the specifics of your frustrations and maybe there are others on here who have gone through the same woes and capable of offing advise to make your stay a little more pleasant.  :)

US doesn't pay the best salaries! I'm from there and I can tell you this pay is WAY better. You have to work 2 or even 3 jobs to make there what you make here. Plus all the fringe benefits these companies include.

I told someone yesterday that life is what you make of it. If you wake up every morning angry and just not happy than you will lead a miserable life and not enjoy yourself. BUT if you wake up smiling and happy I tell you you will lead such a happier more life fulfilling life you will feel good about yourself all over.