Tennis in Mexico

Last February 2010,I stayed in Melaque,Mexico
and played tennis on the delightful clay court
in Cihuatlan,about 20 minutes by car away.  People were
congenial and welcomed visitors.  I am looking for a similar
experience in other parts of Mexico,ie San Miguel de Allende.
  Does anyone suggest other tennis courts in Mexico where
visitors are welcome?


I joined a club here in Morelia.  For swimming.  I actually hate tennis but my wife and I who are from Switzerland are required by our Constitution to watch Roger Federer each time he plays. I am now suffering from whiplash so I suppose this means I have an inkling of the game.

The club I joined has 27 tennis courts or greens or whatever they are called.  And an olympic sized swimming pool.  Costs about  100 cdn a month