Scouring powder

Has anyone seen scouring powders for sale in HCMC?  In the U.S. these would have brand names like Comet or Ajax, don't know about Europe or Australia.  I don't see anything even loosely comparable in my local Big C or Coop Mart even though they seem to have tons of other cleaning products patterned after western items.

Industrial strength (and quantity) abrasive cleansers are available - we have some in our hotel for those really tough jobs.

The 'gentle' abrasive cleaners here, at retail, are named SUMO (white plastic bottle) and another is CIF (yellow plastic bottle). They are both suitable for fibreglass bath tubs.

Both are sold at Co-Op Marts all over, and other supermarkets. Co-Op also has some neat NET CLEANERS which are scrubbers covered in a tough mesh.

A few months ago we switched to powered water jet cleaners that are very effective and don't even use cleanser.