
hello all,
I'm Joyce Sudarto, current notary in Surabaya from 2002, I plan to move to Bali and set up office there, as right now I see that there is a lack of understanding of how  is the regulation about the law of establishing a foreign company, mix marriage and the impact especially about the regulation of  the ownership of the property in Indonesia, I feel that it is our duty to explain to those who needs the information, please feel free to message me

Hello Joyce

Welcome to :D

To increase visibility on your post, please note that a new thread has been created from the latter on the Bali Forum.

Thank you for proposing your help to our members ;)


Hi Joyce welcome to the forum. I am sure we could do with some legal advice as long as there is no promise of a quick fix or its easy or any other false promise and misdirection other Indonesian legal advisors have all stated in the past. The other thing to know is that we all have completely different experiences and therefore outcomes dealing and working through the law of the land which is in essence simple enough to follow until those offering it see a way to make money and therefore make it harder or different. Anyway I hope you contribute often so we can learn from you.