Working in Ecuador: Is it legal?

Hi, I am wanting to learn if it is actually legal and accepted to work in ecuador, both before and after obtaining legal residency? Thank-you!

Without residency, you can work as long as you have more than just a temporary 90 day visa.  For example I will be going with the 12-IX visa which is valid for 6 months.  You will need to go to the SRI (equivalent of the IRS) and register for a RUC number which will allow you to work before obtaining residency.  If you speak some spanish you can check the website at for more information on how to obtain the RUC number.  I read on another forum that someone was also able to do this with a volunteer visa and it allowed them to work as well. 

I believe once you have residency you can work as well, but I haven't figured out if there is any additional paperwork that needs to be filed.

sure, once you are a resident you have all the rights of any citizen...almost, you cant vote...thats the only difference i can think of...

Not sure about working for a company here, but according to our attorney for our visa, one can open a business with the appropriate paperwork from SRI.  According to the attorney the paperwork is not all that difficult to get.  And that's with a retirement visa.
