Argentinians in Glasgow - World Cup Final

Hola! Se me ocurrio preguntar si hay algun bar en particular en Glasgow dnd Argentinos vayan a juntarse a mirar el partido :)

Hello! I just thought to ask if there is any particular bar in Glasgow where Argentinians r planning to meet up to watch the game on Sunday :)

Cheers, Agueda

Try asking on the Scotland Forum, you'll probably get a more specific audience there and thus be more likely to get a response.

Click the FORUM tab at the top of this page and then scroll down to the list of national forums at the bottom of the page, click on Scotland and, voila!!!

William James Woodward, EB Experts Team

Hello All  :cheers:

@Agueda :

Kindly note that this thread is now on the Glasgow Forum to help you get more interaction with your post.

For meet up with argentinians near you : I suggest you check out this list : Scotland social network.

To be able to use your private message system, you will have to be active on the forum as well as make sure that you do not make any copy paste while sending messages, as our anti spam system will block our private message.



Thanks both for your help!