Looking for work in Qwara / Buggiba . Shop work or waitressing cafe

Hi Can anyone help me know how easy it is to get waitressing work or shop work in Qwara / Buggiba . For English lady in early 50's . Is there much work about in these areas at this moment in time. At least 30hrs and above. And it is usually 4Euros an hour . Thanks , in advance.
Hello everyone and what beautiful weather .

where u r from?

SaqibMatloob wrote:

where u r from?

I would have thought "English lady in her early 50's" might be a clue.

I am from England [English. ]

Yes fair comment. He obviously didn't read the article properly.

Why reply? He's in Pakistan. Beware of trolls etc.

ok thank you I will be more careful . Yes you never know who u are talking to.

Very little to none, is the answer.