Looking for a job

I am Kenyan and will be joining a university in Brussels in September, 2014. This is such an interesting forum and I am glad I came across it. I have extensive work experience in Communications, media, administration and project management. I hope to get some work in Brussels during my study. I am flexible and can work in different areas.
Pleasure meeting you all

Hi Nyamsville,

Welcome to Expat.com :)

I created a new thread with your post on the Brussels forum for more visibility.
In fact, i think that it can help you if you can post your CV in the jobs in Brussels section, hoping that your experience will attract some employers who will come across your ad. ;)

Thanks and good luck in your studies and job,


Hi Priscilla,
Thank you so much for your warm welcome. I will post my CV and I hope for the best. Thank you too for your wishes and good will message.

Best regards,