IT Management jobs in Finance


I'm moving to Vancouver / Toronto in August and will be looking for a job as a technology project manager in the finance (banking, insurance) sectors. Any advice I can get on expectations, specific qualifications / certifications required, salary range and my prospects in general would be greatly appreciated. I have over 14yrs experience with top-rated international banks and am moving in from Singapore. Are the opportunities in this line more abundant in Toronto or Vancouver?


Having a look in Toronto's classifieds might help :)

There should be lots of opportunities. Your qualification from Singapore may or may not be fully transferrable to compete with Canadian experience people depending on your area of focus/companies you worked with.

At any rate, just like you said, you can look for certification at BCIT, OIT etc. in Finance to make you competitive with the locals. From what I understand, government offers/pays for many programs (up to 2 years long) for new immigrants to upgrade their education to build a career in Canada so you should have all the resources needed to make the transition.