Am I the lone 老外 in Yunfu?

I sure hope not. If anyone else lives here, go ahead and reply.

Hi tobiasmagnusson,

Can you please introduce yourself and tell us how can we help you?

Thank you,
Christine team

This is a late answer, to be sure, but OK. I'm Tobias Jiang-Magnusson and I live in Yunfu, working at a kindergarten here, teaching English. I'm fairly reluctant to do so, but it was the only job I could find, since my Master's isn't formally completed and I didn't get a Bachelor in between. I kind of got to China by accident anyway. Well, Yunfu seems to lack other laowais. In fact, it's a very tiny, uninternational city. None of my colleagues speak even passable English, and while my Chinese (Mandarin) is passable, it isn't quite good enough to form friendships on.

Thus, I seek other laowais, or just any person in Yunfu with fluency of English.