Lucas Neres' battle for life

We expats tend to take for granted most of the benefits we received at home, one of the most important of which is probably the public healthcare program in our respective countries. As a Canadian I know this is particularly true. In my home country everyone, rich or poor, has the same access to world class healthcare. When one needs a transplant the only two factors in consideration are the individual's NEED and the AVAILABILITY of the compatible organ. Even the less fortunate can get their transplant first, if their need is greater than someone in a higher income bracket.

In Brazil this is NOT the case and many die in a waiting line. For others their chance of obtaining the much needed transplant only comes if they have the financial wherewithall to travel abroad for surgeries not even available here in Brazil.

Such is the plight of 16-year old Lucas Neres, from the Greater Brasilia area of the Federal District, who suffers from a rare disease called "bronchiolitis obliterans" breathing problem caused by a virus that destroys mainly the lungs. He requires a unilateral lung transplant, which is available only in Canada. If he were a Canadian citizen he'd qualify for the operation without charge under Canada's public health insurance programs. However, since he is not a Canadian this is an operation that will cost around R$712 thousand (or around $300 thousand USD).

Lucas had one lung surgically removed in his early childhood and has pulmunary function of 1/4 of that of a healthy person. He recently also received a cardiac pacemaker. Lucas requires oxygen 24/7 in order to survive.

His favorite sports team (Palmeiras) has taken up his cause and his family is also trying to obtain donations to pay for the surgery he desparately needs to save his young life.

People, every penny helps in this young man's battle for survival. If you can find it in your heart to donate to help his family achieve their goal of sending him to Canada for this life-saving surgery please donate! No amount is too small.

Donations can be made at any branch of the Caixa Econômica Federal to:

Agência: 0973
Operação: 013
C/C: 766405-5
Irani Neres Santana

or you can enter into contact with his family by telephone at (61) 9299-6811.

Let's show this young lad where our hearts are folks, let him know that we may be expats and transplants to HIS country, but we care about kids no matter who or where they are!!!

William James Woodward, Expat-blog Experts Team

wjwoodward wrote:

We expats tend to take for granted most of the benefits we received at home, one of the most important of which is probably the public healthcare program in our respective countries.

I'm American.  We prefer that all of our hospitals are profit-oriented corporations.  For some reason.

Here there are only two kinds of hospitals, the public hospitals that are understaffed, underfunded and lacking in equipment; and then the private hospitals that cater only to the wealthiest portion of the population who can pay their exorbitant fees.

That sounds like the United States.