Colleges in the Netherlands compared to Colleges in America?

I got my Associate's Degree while in Social & Behavioral Science while I was in California. However, I have recently moved to the Netherlands with my husband. I am worried since I don't think my Associate Degree would be valid here since the Netherlands doesn't have Associate Degree's. I was considering going to college somewhere in the Netherlands and getting a Bachelor's Degree. While I was in college in the U.S., I did get good grades in college, but I did struggle sometimes and I didn't enjoy college very much. I don't enjoy studying or college, but I am considering trying to get a Bachelor Degree here since I know it will benefit me in the future. I do have some concerns that I am worried about though. I am worried about the difficulty of a college in the Netherlands compared to American colleges. I have heard that European schools are at a higher level than American schools, so they are more difficult. It makes me worry that if I struggled in a U.S. college, if I could stand a chance to pass a Dutch college. But I know nothing about the difficulty of a Dutch college, so I can't assume anything without any experience.I was wondering if anyone has experienced both a U.S. and Dutch college, so they could tell me if Dutch colleges are really that difficult from a U.S. College.

Thank you in advance.

Hi there!

This website might help you:
( Fortunately you can switch the website to English)

Maybe an internship is an option to consider as well?


Sander van Houdt