A victim in love deception

I cannot understand why people like to deceive each other. I was a victim in love and got through such sorrows and hurt that I always felt the world would tumble right on my feet. But I still believe somewhere someone is honest.

Do you want to explain?


bluesky1988 wrote:


Then please do.  :|

Is there a point to your post , i dont get it, and certainly would not air my personal relationship problems on an open forum . Life does not turn out right , just because we want it that way

The words 'love', 'deception', 'cheat', 'intimacy', 'friendship',etc are not new in everyday life. However, those are interconnected. To 'find out' or to get a 'genuine' partner, lover or friend is very difficult nowadays! "Hope" is the only remedy all we can go through this lifespan. Just hope till you get that!

why do you have to feel bad? You should go out and celebrate instead.  At least, you found out soon than later that  person does not deserve your love.  Just move on, there are many good people in this world. That person will reap what he or she  sows. You are just going through a phase of life.  You should be happy that you found out and that person is permanently out of your life. You are getting rid of your cancerous part of life and go on to a better future.
  You are lucky that you do not waste any more of your precious time on that person. 
  Be strong and be happy. Today may be bad, but tomorrow is another beautiful day. Just move on . There are so many people in this world, you will find a good one.   
   This not the end of the world .ln fact, this is the start of a new beautiful beginning for you.  Just take your time, there are many choices out there.
Take it from me, the one who has been through it before.W

This isn't the right kind of forum to air intimate confidences and one of the last places you want to expose vulnerabilities.

thank you very much much !!! yeah I am much better. I think I should love myself before anybody. I love myself to be able to love others. Love for him made me too tired. I felt self-pity and loneliness many times. Recently I realize I need to love myself more. And letting love go gives me relief and peace in mind.

Just my experience, there are no victims only willing participates...

today my heart was broken by the love of my life.

Oh deary deary me , ho hum

Guys, I guess you're not on the correct forum ?

Julien wrote:

Guys, I guess you're not on the correct forum ?

Maybe a new forum "The bleeding hearts club " should be started . This forum IS NOT the place to air personal matters and serves no benefit to anyone whatsoever

... and serves no benefit to anyone whatsoever

Am I correctly reading ?

Personal problems are "personal", and should stay that way . I joined this forum to access informative information and network .

This post and others that are similar in context, are neither .

I agree with you, and I close this thread
