I want to go there but i dont know if my degree works or not there?

Hello everyone. I am Myriam, i am from Ecuador but i moved to Germany 1 years ago, I am learning german here and i am going to study my master but a distance. I just want to know if i could find a Job there, i am 31 years old, i am Bussines Administrator, i studied at Central University in Quito and my master is im Spain.
Just i miss my things my latin life there but i need to be sure.
I want to know if my master there is valied or not?.
Please help me... i need to make a decision!!!!

Hello Myriam,

Me imagino hablas español si eres de Ecuador así que te escribo en este idioma.

Para estar segura tienes que ver en la lista de universidades que tienen convenio con el Ministerio de Educación .
Mira la pagina www.senescyt.gob.ec y buscar por pais a ver si tu universidad esta en el listado.

Luego, si tienes familia, amigos en Ecuador te pueden ayudar a buscar trabajo aquí. Las mejores opciones ahora son el sector público y también podrías ver si puedes dedicarte a dar clases.


Relamente si hablo espanol pero como lo uso este blog para informarme aca y nos prohiben otro idioma q no sea ingles. jeje.. Pero gracias. sabes que quiero empezar el master aca en alemania es sumamente dificil  yo soy residente y me han puesto la bola de trabas que he entrado en depresion para continuar haciendo algo de mi decidi hacerlo a distancia en alguna universidad de espana.. Sera que estas a distancia tambien son validas en Ecuador?.
Agradezco tu respuesta y deseame suerte.

Hello guys,

As this is the anglophone kindly post in English so that everyone can understand and participate please.

Expat.com Team

Paula I thought Germany's economy was doing very good and that a lot of jobs were there why would you consider now of coming back when it takes at least 2 yrs to get use to a new place?  Are you making a big effort or are you falling to the side and not trying to get into their culture why did you pick Germany?

I am from US and was told to get work visa you must get all your transcripts translated to show that your education is equal to that of Ecuadorian degree. Also that you have needed skill and are not taking jobs of equally qualified Ecuadorian. Are you EC citizen still?

Hi Paula,

You can check the website  www.senescyt.gob.ec. This is one has the up-dated list for pre-approved universities per country including Spain, and also the other options to validate your master degree (including distance learning).
You may also send your queries directly to them throw this website by mail or phone call.

Good luck!