More cities ?


we would like to add more cities on the website; which Libyan cities do you think we should add ? Tripoli, Regatta ?



There's life outside Tripoli?
There's barely life in it. :)

As you know Regetta is not a city it is "gated community" in Tripoli,which approx. 1500-2000 expat lives there.

There may be an adress like "Regetta dwellers" helps them to communicate.

Because Regetta management is not proactive,i beleive this idea helps lot.

up to u  guys...:)


I didn't know about Regetta, but no prob, we can add it to the list ;)

I don't see the point in that, this forum gets little traffic as it is.
There are a number of gated expat communities in Tripoli, things will become fragmented if we go down that road.

Mudman wrote:

There's life outside Tripoli?
There's barely life in it. :)

good one :D

You may look at adding Benghazi. There is a sizable expat population there from what I understand.

I second Harry's comment. No need to branch out.


your topic was not clear enough my friend,no body paid attention for it....

just make it happen by saying    " regetta dwellers"

Can we get a separate area for Benghazi?  Everything is about Tripoli around here.  I don't think there is a sizeable expat community, but there are a few of us here at least!

Can I second that request for a group for Benghazi. It would certainly help. Since Benghazi is so much smaller than Tripoli things are very different here, and advice that holds true for Tripoli isn't always applicable here.

Regatta, or should that be Reghetto, is a gated community in the same way that Guantamo prison is.  Don't accept any position offered if it includes residence there; you'll regret it.

Mudman wrote:

There's life outside Tripoli?
There's barely life in it. :)

...nice one : ) and Reghetto ; )

You could try the City of Ghat in the southern part of the country.

Frustrated Man wrote:

Regatta, or should that be Reghetto, is a gated community in the same way that Guantamo prison is.  Don't accept any position offered if it includes residence there; you'll regret it.

gonna regret this.... why?!
think that may be where my sentence will be served.

The wall isn't there to keep the bad guys from getting in.'s there to keep them in ; )

sounds like my kind of place....!

Hi everybody,

at the moment I've added Tripoli and Benghazi

Misratah wouldn't hurt my feelings but I don't know if it would get a lot of traffic.