General information about Saudi Arabia


My name is Anja
I am new on this page
I live with my family in Dubai ( 4 years )
My husband is offered a job in Saoudi ... and I need as much info as possible ... could you help me?

housing? cost- computer pages to find ( as it is not possible to come just for a few days and visit to look at housing :P )
school?cost  - computer pages - Enlish - American - info for the kids  ex

dressing? for my girls > 9 and 10 years old ...

how to get a driver > if it is necessery
how to get a maid   > if it is necessery

other things you would tell a woman if she was moving to Saoudi :cool:

Thank you in advance for the help!

Anja and co

anjaB wrote:


My name is Anja
I am new on this page
I live with my family in Dubai ( 4 years )
My husband is offered a job in Saoudi ... and I need as much info as possible ... could you help me?

housing? cost- computer pages to find ( as it is not possible to come just for a few days and visit to look at housing :P )
school?cost  - computer pages - Enlish - American - info for the kids  ex

dressing? for my girls > 9 and 10 years old ...

how to get a driver > if it is necessery
how to get a maid   > if it is necessery

other things you would tell a woman if she was moving to Saoudi :cool:

Thank you in advance for the help!

Anja and co

Everything you have asked about has been answered many, many, MANY times.  Now it's up to you to read, read, READ!

If you CLICK HERE, you will see at the top a listing of Topic Categories.  Click on these categories to find answers to your questions.

Topic categories
New members


Everyday life





Cost of living


Banks and finance


Schools & studies

Health system





Cars and transportation


Also, there IS a way to search all the threads.  See the white rectangle, upper right hand?  It's a Google Custom Search Box.  All you have to do is type a few key words in there, press GO, and VOILA!  You have all the threads with those words.

Be sure to include the country to narrow it down.  For example, if you just type 'bowling,' you'll have threads where bowling is mentioned in every country on the blog.  If, however, you type 'bowling Saudi Arabia' or 'bowling Riyadh,' you get only those threads.

The Google Custom Search is an extremely helpful feature that I'm sure you'll make good use of.

And I should also point you to the GUIDE as a valuable source of information.

Now, once you have read, read, READ and you have specific questions that were not answered, please DO ask and members will be happy to reply.

Best of luck!

Hi anja and co,

As you were off topic, a new discussion has been created with your post on the Saudi Arabia forum for more visibility and interaction :)

Thank you,

Priscilla team

You didnt say which city.

That's why I had her doing HER homework, Trapezius! :)


@ AnroT - TURBO > Please note that this thread is very old and we are in the wrong country.

I invite you to post your questions directly in the Dubai forum.

Thanks and Regards,

Priscilla  :cheers: