Help on dissertation about Myanmar!!?


I am writing my dissertation on Myanmar and was hoping someone could help me. I want to look at the transition of going from a closed of economy to an open one, and the role oil and gas plays on foreign direct investment. In doing so I want to compare Myanmar to a country that have gone through similar transitions. Can anyone think of a contry with similarities to Myanmar in regards to being an oil nation and going through the transition from a closed off economy to a more open one?

I would really appreciate any answers!

Best regards,

Dear Jaybea ,

The progress of change in Myanmar is almost same as Indonesia history . We can not say exactly the same .I am politician so called 88 group in Myanmar during Campaign 1984 to 1988 .Now a day ,I am business man and doing business on Environmental Care .Some people may not agree with my opinion .You have to know about Indonesia history too .

Regards ,


[email protected]

Myanmar is rather unique in its recent history. Oil companies have been actively involved throughout the last 50 years regardless of recent western sanctions. Best comparison is Russia and the rise of the oligarchs. Though not on the same global scale.