je souhaiterais pouvoir exercer mon metier en Angleterre mais mon diplome n'est pas reconnu ici.
Savez vous comment puis-je le faire traduire?

Je suis Maitre nageur, surveillant de baignande et entraineur de natation synchronisee. 

J'ai deja contacte l'ASA (RPL) mais il me demande 999£ pour verifier mes connaissances ( en gros si je ne suis pas competente et qu'ils decident que je n'ai pas le niveau suffisant pour quelques raisons que ce soit, je perds 1000£..)

Ce qui me laisse a reflechir, et a vous demander de l'aide.

Merci beaucoup.


First bit of advice - If you want to go to England, use English.
(More people will understand you.)

Second. Why isn't it worth anything in England? The only real reason for that would be it's some bit of paper from some pretend establishment, not a real place.

Anyone that asks you for money to çheck'you out is a scammer or just a rip off.
Are you sure your English is up to scratch because the ASA site … -or-coach/


How much does the initial qualification cost?

Typically around £390, but don't let lack of funds stand in the way. There are bursaries and grants available which vary according to location but some even pay 100% of the course costs.

Anyway, use/learn English and you'll probably stand a better chance.
Google, that mysterious and almost impossible thing to use, will get you that information in a minute or less.
To me, that lack of ability to perform a simple task, your posting in the wrong language and your qualification being questionable, suggest you aren't suitable to supervise kids in a potentially dangerous situation.

Mas Fred first bit of advice - If you want to post on the french forum, use French :whistle:
