A chinese female friend looking for language exchange in Chengdu

A chinese female friend looking for language exchange in Chengdu

姓名:Louise  性别:女  地址:四川省成都市高新区永丰路 (Chengdu)  English level:CET-4  学习语言:英语   Indroduce: I'm 25 years old, I.want to improve my English standard, I'm interested in the language exchange.

Email to [email protected] or add wechat 22717161 for the language exchange

Hi meisibeijing!

You might want to post an advert in the language exchange section of Chengdu classifieds as well.
It might help.


Hi Meisibeijing,

I may offer you help, but what are you exactly looking for.


meisibeijing wrote:

A chinese female friend looking for language exchange in Chengdu

姓名:Louise  性别:女  地址:四川省成都市高新区永丰路 (Chengdu)  English level:CET-4  学习语言:英语   Indroduce: I'm 25 years old, I.want to improve my English standard, I'm interested in the language exchange.

Email to [email protected] or add wechat 22717161 for the language exchange

I sent an invite from wechat. I need someone to teach me mandarin and in return I'll teach you english too. I hope to hear from you soon. Good day!

meisibeijing wrote:

A chinese female friend looking for language exchange in Chengdu

姓名:Louise  性别:女  地址:四川省成都市高新区永丰路 (Chengdu)  English level:CET-4  学习语言:英语   Indroduce: I'm 25 years old, I.want to improve my English standard, I'm interested in the language exchange.

Email to [email protected] or add wechat 22717161 for the language exchange

Hi, we can be partners. are you still up for english partner?