Live in Egypt for an Algerian

In English:
This question is rather for Algerian people who live in Egypt.

I have a job opportunity to move in Egypt soon with my family. I'm wondering if there are any Algerian people in the forum who can provide details on the current situation, behavior and feeling of Egyptians towards people from Algeria after the stupid and unfortunate incidents, caused by some people and medias, that happened recently between the two countries.

En Français:
Cette question est plutôt pour les Algériens qui vivent en Egypte.

Suite à une opportunité de poste en Egypte qui m'est offerte, j'aurai à m'expatrier avec ma famille au Caire.

Je me demande s'il y a des algériens inscrits à ce forum, vivant en Egypte et capable de me fournir des détails sur la situation actuelle, le comportement et le sentiment des Egyptiens à l'égard de nous autres les Algériens après les incidents stupides causées par certaines personnes et des médias qui ont eu lieu récemment entre les deux pays.

egyptians people are good peoples they don't have hatered feelings towards anybody :)

Thanks hazzembadawy for the feedback. I have no doubt that Egyptians are good people.

BTW, I see you are from Maadi. This is the area where I will be looking for an apartment to rent since it is where the French school is located. Do you have any idea on the rent cost for a 2/3 bedrooms ?

Salut Dada 2.

je vis en Egypte et j y suis bien.Algeriens et Egyptiens son et seront tjs freres.

i attended the match in Sudan
To be honest i am very frustrated abt what algerian government did
sending military service to sudan to threaten the egyptian spectators
there fore all egyptians dont accept that and Algeria lost all support by egyptians ,even in the worldc up all ppl will chee4 4 any team against algeria

But dont worry ua re welecomed in egypt anyytime cuz egyptians know how to respect their guests
we did respect the algerian handball team here
and we respect all our guests

you welcome