Looking for Expat Doctor in Thailand

Are there any expat doctors in Thailand?

Hello suwanna :)

A new thread has been created from your message on the Thailand forum for more visibility.

Do not hesitate to ask questions if you have to. 


Karen :)

suwanna wrote:

Are there any expat doctors in Thailand?

Do you mean practicing or here for retirement?

Hi, thanks for asking. Yes, both retiring and practicing

Are you looking for a doctor for anything specific.

There are many good hospitals in Thailand with great overseas trained Thai doctors.

Hi Stumpy, thanks for asking. I am an Ophthalmologist wanting to talk to expat doctors who may be practicing in Thailand. Thailand does not allow foreign doctors to practice in the country which I feel is a pity.

suwanna wrote:

Hi, thanks for asking. Yes, both retiring and practicing

I know there are expat doctors working at the big private hospitals.

As for retirees well obviously you have had no response here so all I can suggest is widening your Internet search.

Actually Thailand does allow foreign doctors to practice.  My personal physician is Dr greg Greer, an american born and trained MD.  Google him you can get his e mail.  He is good about answering them.  He can answer your questions about practicing medicine here in the LOS.

There are hundreds if not thousands of ophthalmologists trained in Thailand yearly.  Terribly crowded field.  I would recommend against trying to set up a practice here unless you want to find a non-profit who would hire you to go out and work with hill tribes.

Whoops let me correct that.  Optometrists not ophthalmologists.  Have you looked at doctors without borders?  I know they  practice in several locations in Thailand.

If you are looking for a retirement job check with the medical schools.  Not sure what their requirements are to teach in terms of your understanding thai.

Dr. Nick Walters (MD), gp and tropical medicine, Mission Hospital, BKK.  Excellent!