Information on getting a job in Copenhagen as an American

I am hoping to gain information on Americans finding work in Denmark via work permit. I am moving to Copenhagen and hoping to find a job within the field of education as a Teachers Assistant, tutor, or autism specialist. The reason for my job search is after doing the six-month internship in 2010 at Copenhagen international school I met my boyfriend Christian. Since then, he and I have been visiting every 2 to 3 months and now I have made the decision to move to be with him. I am trying very hard to contact international schools and preschools in Copenhagen in hopes to find a job, however, so far I haven't had any luck. Maybe someone else knows of different options I could try? Or maybe there are others who have successfully moved and could share how they did it. If anyone has information or tips that they could provide for me in my search for a job position, I would greatly appreciate it!

Hi and welcome to cassielee22!

Have you tried posting an advert in the Copenhagen jobs section?
It might help.


Not on this webpage, but I will go ahead and try posting a job advertisement. Thank you!