Learning Maltese

Can anyone point us in a good direction for websites/books/online etc for learning the basics of maltese language. I have found some short videos on you tube but none of the  uk librarys, amazon or waterstones stock books.

Hi, I have a really good app on my phone from surface languages that I have been learning the basics with

http://www.ebook3000.com/Learn-Maltese- … 44055.html

with excercises and key.

Amy1101 wrote:

Hi, I have a really good app on my phone from surface languages that I have been learning the basics with

May I ask the name of the app?

check the link above. i think that's the one. and if you have any difficulty with the language, let me know. i'll try to help you out.

chseychell wrote:

check the link above. i think that's the one. and if you have any difficulty with the language, let me know. i'll try to help you out.

Hi chseychell,

The link above is a book in pdf, what Amy mentioned was a mobile app.

could be. anyhow, should you need help with the language, drop me a line.

Hey.. I just typed 'learn maltese' in google play.. and it came up with the app. Its called 'surface languages' should also be available on iTunes.:)

Hi chseychell

Thank you for your offer to help with the language.

May I ask you?
"Kemm għandek żmien?"
Means: "How old are you?"

Now my question is:
"Kemm għandek ħin?"
Does this mean: "How much time do you have?"

(If this is not correct, how do you say "How much time do you have?"?)

Thanks a lot for answering, very much appreciated :-)))

Amy1101 wrote:

Hey.. I just typed 'learn maltese' in google play.. and it came up with the app. Its called 'surface languages' should also be available on iTunes.:)

iTunes? I am not an apple-fanboy (I am not that cool...)

This one seems to be the one you said, I just installed it, it seems useful.
https://play.google.com/store/apps/deta … rch_result

This app is only available for Android but they also have a web version, in case someone is interested on it:

tina_ch wrote:

Hi chseychell

Thank you for your offer to help with the language.

May I ask you?
"Kemm għandek żmien?"
Means: "How old are you?"

Now my question is:
"Kemm għandek ħin?"
Does this mean: "How much time do you have?"

(If this is not correct, how do you say "How much time do you have?"?)

Thanks a lot for answering, very much appreciated :-)))

You're welcome. So feel free to ask.

Yes, "Kemm għandek ħin?" means "How much time do you have?"

Then, there is "Għandek ħin?" which means "Do you have time?" as in "Do you have time to ...[do something]". But it also means "Do you know what time is it?"

I hope I didn't confuse you with my explanation. If I wasn't clear, let me know.

Grazzi ħafna Chseychell.
Thank you very much Chseychell.

Le, ma ikkonfondejtni l-ebda. Fhimtu is-spjegazzjoni tiegħu.
No, I'm not confused. I understood your explanation.

Il-lejl it-tajjeb.
Good night.

tina_ch wrote:

Grazzi ħafna Chseychell.
Thank you very much Chseychell.

Le, ma ikkonfondejtni l-ebda. Fhimtu is-spjegazzjoni tiegħu.
No, I'm not confused. I understood your explanation.

Il-lejl it-tajjeb.
Good night.

I hope you don't mind correcting some imperfections

Le, ma ikkonfondejtni xejn. OR Le, ma ikkonfondejtnix.
Fhimtha l-ispjegazzjoni tiegħek.

Otherwise well done.
Il-lejl it-tajjeb.

Għażiż Charlo

No, I don't mind at all. I think it's great!
Ħadt gost ħafna li jikkoreġili iż-żbalji tiegħi.

Nista' nistaqsi jekk jogħġbok, dwar il-konjugazzjoni ta' paċpaċ:

jiena nipaċpaċ / paċpaċt
inti tipaċpaċ / paċpaċt
huwa jpaċpaċ / paċpaċ
hija tipaċpaċ / paċpċet
aħna nipaċpċu / paċpaċnu
intom tipaċpċu / paċpaċtu
huma jipaċpcu / paċpċu

Dan huwa sewwa? Is this correct?
Grazzi ħafna għall-għajnuna tiegħek. Thank you for your help.

Inselli għalik

tina_ch wrote:

Għażiż Charlo

No, I don't mind at all. I think it's great!
Ħadt gost ħafna li jikkoreġili iż-żbalji tiegħi.

Nista' nistaqsi jekk jogħġbok, dwar il-konjugazzjoni ta' paċpaċ:

jiena nipaċpaċ / paċpaċt
inti tipaċpaċ / paċpaċt
huwa jpaċpaċ / paċpaċ
hija tipaċpaċ / paċpċet
aħna nipaċpċu / paċpaċnu
intom tipaċpċu / paċpaċtu
huma jipaċpcu / paċpċu

Dan huwa sewwa? Is this correct?
Grazzi ħafna għall-għajnuna tiegħek. Thank you for your help.

Inselli għalik

Hi Tina,
You have a good grasp of the way the verbs are conjugated. However:
1) you have an extra 'i' in the present tense throughout except for the third person singular. Can you identify it? (Hint: look at 'huwa jpaċpaċ').

2) as to the first person singular in the past, it should be paċpaċna. To remember the ending copy it from the pronoun aħna...aħNA paċpaċNA.

Back to your first sentence (Ħadt gost ħafna li jikkoreġili iż-żbalji tiegħi) there are some inconsistencies:

"Ħadt" is the fist person singular, past tense. Thus, the other verb must also be in the past. Furthermore, it should not be in the third person singular (he) but the second person singular (you). So the verb "jikkoreġi[li]" is wrong on two counts. "Jikkoreġi" means 'he corrects' and not 'you corrected'.

The past tense is "[int] ikkoreġejt" + "li" and at end that means 'to/for me'.

The sentence should read: "Ħadt gost ħafna li kkoreġejtli l-iżbalji tiegħi." (note also that I corrected the word+article "iż-żbalji" to "l-iżbalji")

The Maltese language is context based. So, although technically "tiegħi" at the end is correct, there is no need to say it since you used the suffix "li" with the verb.

Apologies for the long post. But I had to explain what was wrong and how to improve what you already know.

Take care.

Hi Charlo,

Inti bomba!!! Grazzi ħafna. You are great, thank you.

L-għalliem l-aħjar ta' Malti li qatt qabel ma ltqajt. The best Maltese teacher I've ever met.

Grazzi ħafna, li tagħmel sforz biex tgħini. Thank you for your help.

Issa huwa sewwa?!:
jiena npaċpaċ / paċpaċt
inti tpaċpaċ / paċpaċt
huwa jpaċpaċ / paċpaċ
hija tpaċpaċ / paċpċet
aħna npaċpċu / paċpaċna
intom tpaċpċu / paċpaċtu
huma jpaċpċu / paċpċu