Hair salon /Sharq, Salmiya/ girls... need your help :)


I already know that such a topic was here before...but probobly some information are updated...
I need your opinion about good hair salon for highlighting (bleaching) for hairs! But with really good professionals who knows how to do their job!
The best location Sharq or Salmiya...
Pls if you know, writte address and phone number... thx a lot :)

Fanar Mall, Salmiya, Basement, far corner, stylish place whose name eludes me.

also, read this, use the info and if its outdated ask for new, but only after trying :)

thx... but I already read previous old info, but that's why I ask for some new updates :))..

yes :P u read it, but did u try it? old info stands true until it is changed

Well you should agreed, that if I dont know these areas, it would be stupid just a drive by taxi and searching for some hair salons around...that's why I asked address and if its possible also phone number :) It save my "one day off " time :)

The Cutting Edge. The ladies are British and very professional. They do a great job! 25718001 is the phone number. Good luck!

well look what the cat dragged in :P

Meow!! Legacy- do you have any opinions on beauty salons??

never tried em, i'm a natural beauty u see ;)

Hey there try toni and guy salon it's famous with a good team check their site

:one lolo_ :)