Want to move to Sri Lanka next year

Hi there!

My name is Dagmara, 22yr and I'm from Poland. My boyfriend and I want to move to Sri Lanka next year (or at the end of this year). I spend 2 days in looking forward for some piece of information. But we have a little problem to get Visa if we want to stay there for ever :(
Some people purpose a marriage ;/
Please tell me is there another way to live (to get) there? We want to get work and buy a house. We've already talked to polish people lived there but they see troubles in helping us...

We also want to know, all there information I gathered are true. About taxes, healt care and others.

We are determined...


Hi, has you check the Sri Lankan Embassy side for information.
In Germans must start a business in Sri Lanka with the Board of Investment (BOI), that means you have to invest a  minimum of US$ in Sri Lanka. Than you could get resident visa.
Without not possible.
You ever been before in Sri Lanka? You could stay 3 month with tourist visa and check the infos and make contacts.

Yes we did...
I've heard about BOI, we have not enough money to even try - 250 000US ;/

My boyfriend was there, but we dream about life like this. Tourists visa is not for us, because we want to get work there and we'll be not allowed to do this...

Acces to information is good, but these are important for tourists. We want to know more about taxes for example. And no free time to travel for 3 month...

Work is the problem.
You work for Sri Lankan company, than this company have to apply visa for you.
You couldn't open your own business, because of missing money.
Maybe you work for an NGO or for catholic social facilities.
Have you look into the on line job centers in Sri Lanka?

Its true, work with tourist visa not allowed, but you have to visit the country before you leave Poland. For men its easy to live in SriLanka, but for women is many restrictions in live.
You should know this.

Hallo Dagmara!
Ja tez jestem polka tyle ze duzo starsza i mieszkam w Londynie od 35 lat. Chcemy tez wyjechac na starosc na Sri lanke w przyszlym roku.Mysmy sie ciezko w zyciu narobili zeby teraz nic nie robic. Ja prawie co wieczur czytam i czytam o wszystkim na temat Sri lanki.
Lokalni zarabiaja po $100 miesiecznie.Tak ze tam sie nie dorobicie niczego.Powinniscie wpierw wyjechac gdzies gdzie mozna dozo zarobic i uskladac przynajmniej na dom na sri lance, mozna juz kupic od £10.000 co dwie osoby pracujace moga odlozyc za rok. Co do visy to dostaje sie 3 miesieczna wize normalnie, i mozna albo przedluzyc albo trzeba wyjechac i wjechac z powrotem.Bilet do Indii podobno kosztuje $70. Jestescie bardzo mlodzi i myslcie o zapewnieniu sobie przyszlosci. Ja objechalam swiat i wszedzie wspaniale jak sa pieniadze, a jak czlowiekowi juz strzyka to nie ma sil ich zarabiac.
Good luck Yolanda


@Yolanda, please post in English in this English speaking forum so that each member may understand and participate.;)



I am a Maldivian student living in Colombo..

I think there is a scheme that sri Lanka immigration allows living here through a scheme called 'dream home'.. i dont know how much they charge but heard that any1 who wishes to go with this scheme, needs to deposit something like USD 10,000 ( 1 time deposit which you will get some interest and can be taken back if you are leaving ) and bring USD 1000 / month from outside sri lanka.. .

Maybe i can check this out for you after a visit to immigration... There may also be other ways you can get visa,.. ( If you have money there is nothing you cannot get in sri lanka )



To Adheel comment,
all that information you'll find on

http://www.immigration.gov.lk/web/index … 99&lang=en

regards Yolanda


You cant stay in srilanka forever...unless you have some own Buissnes.


I can help u.

Hi there!

My name is Dagmara, 22yr and I'm from Poland. My boyfriend and I want to move to Sri Lanka next year (or at the end of this year). I spend 2 days in looking forward for some piece of information. But we have a little problem to get Visa if we want to stay there for ever sad
Some people purpose a marriage ;/
Please tell me is there another way to live (to get) there? We want to get work and buy a house. We've already talked to polish people lived there but they see troubles in helping us...

We also want to know, all there information I gathered are true. About taxes, healt care and others.

We are determined...


Hello Chinthakakarunadasa -> Maybe you could introduce yourself and share some informations directly on the forum! Other members could benefit from it as well.

Thank you,
Aurélie :)